5 Senior Living Marketing Tips for 2025

Senior Living marketing is complicated. We wish it could be as easy as setting up a campaign and walking away. But, as we all know, it’s not. Let’s dive into the most important things to consider as you compose your 2025 marketing strategy.

  1. Understand Your Audience’s Decision-Making Process
    Before implementing marketing tactics, you must understand how your audience makes decisions. Are they high-intent? How long do they typically research an option before they make a purchasing decision? What hesitations do they face before settling on a solution? Understanding their buying behavior should be the foundation of your entire marketing strategy. Missing this key insight is one of the biggest missteps we see communities make.
  2. Use Retargeting Campaigns
    This goes hand-in-hand with understanding your audience. Did you know, on average, it takes 25 touchpoints to convert a senior living customer? That’s why retargeting campaigns are so important. Deciding on a senior living community isn’t a quick decision; it involves careful consideration and research. Retarget those users who visited your site but didn’t convert. Nudge them with a well-timed reminder to come by for lunch or schedule a tour.
  3. Choose Human Touch vs AI
    AI is a beautiful thing. It can be a great tool when streamlining your marketing efforts. However, nothing replaces the human touch. Audiences can sense when communication feels too automated or impersonal, which can lead to mistrust. Human review of all marketing messaging is the only way to maintain authenticity and trustworthiness.
  4. Get Reviews, Reviews, Reviews!
    95% of potential customers read online reviews before making a decision. 84% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations! Reviews are here to stay, and they are a huge portion of the decision-making process. Encouraging and promoting positive feedback can significantly influence your audience’s perspective of what living in your community really feels like.
  5. Realize that Marketing Is Not Magic.
    Marketing is a powerful lead-generation tool, but it’s not magic. How your team handles those leads is the real determining factor in whether or not your leads convert. Properly trained staff who can nurture every lead are the key to conversions. The sales team is the last and most crucial phase in converting leads into residents. They are the bridge between interest and decision.

Remember: Senior Living marketing demands a deep understanding of your audience. Our team here at SeniorsGuide.com has built content for this audience for decades, and we’ve learned a few communication best practices along the way. Our favorite tip is that a profile on SeniorsGuide.com is a powerful way to reach families that are actively researching senior living options.. Learn More